Search and Browse your Facebook Friends' Photos on Bing

Looking for that epic shot from last winter’s ski trip?  Or the I-could-die-laughing photo of your roommate’s cat dancing? With more than 300 million photos uploaded to Facebook per day, photo viewing is one of the most popular things people do on Facebook. Bing now lets you quickly find that special photo (out of your friends’ thousands) on Facebook with the new Friends’ Photo feature. Now, with Bing, you can easily search and browse your friends...
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Make a Good Search Impression with Bing’s Linked Pages

Whether it’s an old friend, a former classmate or (ahem) yourself, searching for people is one of the most common things we do on the web. Last year, we took the first step to bring expanded search results of your Facebook friends into Bing, making it easier to find friends and friends of friends more quickly.  With people search being such a high volume pastime, we’re taking it a step further letting you have more...
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